Bass Lake Fire Station
1102 W Mink Rd Cotton, MN 55724 (218) 482-3777 Mail goes to Bass Lake Fire Station

Melrude Fire Station 1 and 2
1767 Melrude Road Cotton, MN 55724
(218 482-3778

Email Address: ellsburgvfd1102@gmail.com 

For an Emergency Dial 911

2024 Officers

o   President Arrlette Krog

o   Vice President Susan Carlsness

o   Secretary Heidi Yokel

o   Safety Officer Stan Johnston

o   Training Officer Tom Slatten

o   Chief Loren Mesedahl

o   Bass Lake Fire Hall Assistant Chief - Tim Linder

o   Melrude Fire Hall Assistant Chief - Lee Voigt


Info to be added - check back!


Full article on fire department activites and highlights can be found monthly in the Cotton Chronicle

December - The fire department responded to 1 medical call and 1 structure fire.

November - The fire department responded to 1 lift assist and attended Cardiac Training with other local fire departments

October - The fire department rresponded to 1 medical call and 3 fire calls. They attended Vehicle Extrication training and hosted Stop the Bleed and Medication training.

September - The fire department responded to one medical call. They hosted a EMR refresher course and participated in Water Point training.

August - The fire department responded to 2 medical calls, 1 fire call and 1 search and rescue call. They also received training on Railroad Emergencies

July - The fire department responded to 1 mutual aid medical call and 2 fire calls. 

June - The fire department responded to 2 medical calls and 1 fire call. They presented three metal Firewise Community signs to the township which we will post in various locations.

May - The fire department responded to 3 medical calls in May. They attended Chimney Fire training at the Cotton Fire Hall.

April - The fire department responded to 3 medical calls. They attended chimney fire training at the Cotton Fire Hall. They held a Firewise Demonstration at the home of Dale and Elaine Wick on Dinham Lake and attend Big Truck Night at South Ridge school.

March - The fire department responded to one medical call and they participated in Radio Training and Pipeline Training.

February - The fire department responded to one medical call.

January - The fire department responded to two calls and had Ice Rescue Training. Some of their EMR attended training in Duluth. New Officers were elected.


All state, county, national and township elections take place at Ellsburg Town Hall, 1767 Melrude Road. Election hours will be posted at the town hall and on the website. If you are new to the area or are not a registered voter, please bring proof of identification and address as our land use is zoned.


Building Permits are required for all structures. Permits can be obtained prior to construction by contacting St. Louis County at the following locations:

• Duluth Courthouse, 100 North 5th Ave W., Duluth, MN 55802, (218) 726-2000
• Virginia Courthouse, 300 South Fifth Ave, Virginia, MN 55792, (218)749-7100
• Hibbing Courthouse, 1810 12th Ave East, Hibbing, MN 55746, (218) 262-6000


Duluth Office, 212 Courthouse, 100 North 5th Avenue West, Duluth, MN 55802-1291
Phone: (218) 726-2304, Fax: (218) 725-5093
Hours 8:00 a.m. - 4:30 p.m.; Monday through Friday.

Additional helpful information is on the St. Louis County website